Niki Williams
Name | Niki Williams |
Nickname | niki-williams |
Year of Birth | 1967 |
Gender | Female |
Location | North Shore Oahu Hawaii |
Relationship | Caregiver |
Short Bio | Aloha, May name is Niki Williams 56 years young and have been married to my husband for 25 years and together 32 years. My husband Bobby has been diagnosed with ALS in August of 2021 I am just looking for information and support although I am fortunate to have big family support. Here in Hawaii we are priced outta paradise and so our family lives in one house to stay here, our home. I am the primary care taker for Bobby for now as he isn’t crippled yet. He is losing his ability to speak and swallow . Preparing for a feeding tube to keep his weight on and vitamins etc. in. Not looking forward to that. We have a great wonderful man Rex Like who is head manager for Hawaii division of ALS Golden West foundation. Really huge help in this horrifically cruel disease. No Cure? How in the world can this be true? Mahalo for your time Niki and Bobby Williams
How did you hear about us? | ALS News Today Newsletter |
How long have you or the person that you are caring for had ALS? | almost 2 years that we know of |
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