Name | Karl |
Nickname | karl |
Year of Birth | Dec 18, 1972 |
Gender | Male |
Location | Vancouver, BC |
Relationship | Patient |
Short Bio | I started experiencing symptoms similar to ALS in May 2020 while trying to do long walks with my wife. I was limping and thought that it would go away. It never did. The interesting thing is that I was able to run lots on a local mountain (uphill and downhill) but I struggled with long flat walks (using different muscles I guess). I was losing control of my feet and toes. Currently I have no ability to lift my toes against any force at all. I had my first neurologist appointment in September 2020 and then an MRI of my L4/L5 vertebrae also in September to see if there was a blockage of the spinal nerves. The MRI did not reveal any serious issues. I do not have the babinski sign which for me means I most likely do not have upper motor neuron damage (although that is not conclusive). Pretty tough when you start eliminating all the possibilities and you are left with an MND and all your symptoms closely match ALS (fasciculations, cramping, some spasticity, muscle weakness, loss of function). Further research indicated that I might have a high sensitivity to Mercury and Aluminum. Mercury poisoning can have similar symptoms to ALS. That is currently what I am hoping for. I went to a naturopath to see if there was anything that alternative medicine could do. He immediately put me on a strict diet and gave me supplements. His goal is holistic health and immediately talked about healing my liver and my “leaky gut” so that my liver could start the detox process. Within a month the diet (no potatoes, no tomatoes, no nightshades, no wheat, no corn, no vinegar, no sweeteners except stevia, no dairy, no chicken, no seafood, no alcohol, no carbonated beverages, no peanuts, no chocolate, no margarine…plus add liver supplements and digestive enzymes) had already affected my fasciculations, cramping and spasticity. In the last month, I have had about 4-5 nights where fasciculations, cramping and spasticity have kept me awake at night. Before I started the diet I had these symptoms every night (I tend to still get them when I work my legs hard). Before the diet, my right pinky had started to twitch and lock and that had just started with my middle finger as well. My right pinky and right middle finger have not had any symptoms since starting the diet. It appears like the diet is working for now. I am currently waiting for my next neurologist appointment in January 2021 where he will compare my muscle degeneration to 3 months ago. I am also waiting for my next naturopath appointment (also in January 2021) to determine if my liver is ready for detoxing the mercury out of my system. Once my liver is strong enough, I will take heavy doses of Chlorella to encourage the mercury to leave my body. My naturopath indicated it was a long road to recovery. I am planning on sticking to this diet and detox program for at least 6 more months and alot longer if I keep seeing success. All that to say I am hoping it is not ALS. |
How did you hear about us? | ALS Website |
How long have you or the person that you are caring for had ALS? | symptoms for 7 months |
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