Michael Brewton
Michael Brewton replied to the discussion Update us on the research and trials you are in!! in the forum Research Topics 3 years ago
Update us on the research and trials you are in!!
I’ve been in the Healey Platform trial on regiment C (CNM-Au8). I finished my 24 weeks in April and have been the open label, active drug for 16 weeks. It has not changed my progression at all. I have sporadic, limb onset(legs first), slow progression. I can’t say this treatment has worked for me, but it might for others. I will finish… Read more
Michael Brewton replied to the discussion How do you define an ALS cure? in the forum Research Topics 3 years ago
How do you define an ALS cure?
I think a “cure” would be restoration back to a normal state.
A treatment is anything that slows, halts, or slightly improves condition of the pALS.
Michael Brewton became a registered member 3 years ago
Hello Michael,
Welcome to the forum! I am one of the forum moderators and a person living with ALS: I was diagnosed in 2010.
If there is anything specific you would like to see discussed on the forum, feel free to post a new topic in any of our forums or jump in on an existing topic. You can also search for past topics or discussions by typing… Read more
Hello Michael, and welcome to the ALS forum. I’m Amanda, one of the co-moderators of the forum. We are happy you have joined our online community. You will find that the ALS forum is made up of people with different associations with ALS. My family has an extensive history of ALS and we know that we have a genetic mutation in the SOD1 gene. I… Read more