A press release from ALS Therapy Development Institute in Cambridge explains that even with successful public awareness campaigns such as the Ice Bucket Challenge many people are not familiar with ALS or how it impacts patients and their families. The Ice Bucket Challenge was amazing, and generated a lot of money for research and did get people talking about ALS. However, the #AskMeAboutALS event being hosted this month, during ALS Awareness Month, will help bring some attention to ALS, and hopefully get people talking and asking questions. The press release states “The ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS TDI) is using #AskMeAboutALS to encourage more people to ask questions about ALS, learn about the disease, and understand why finding a cure is so important.” Check out the press release and share your thoughts in the forum. http://www.als.net/askmeaboutals.Are there are anyways that our forum members can help get people talking?
For more information click on the link above or contact The ALS Therapy Development Institute
Meghan Lawlor