




Year of Birth






Short Bio

Today my spouse was diagnosed at 90% for having Als. It’s been tough watching him go down hill .. starting with leg cramps and then spams since 2015. Having terrible family doctor who did nothing over the years and kept telling us it was all in his head. Twitching started 2 years ago moving from the calves then thighs next the stomach and arms. Until 2 weeks ago nothing above the shoulders.. With Covid going on it was very difficult to watch him process so fast within months and nothing I could do about it.
Thank god for our amazing Dr in our Peterborough hospital pushing to get him check by specialist.. Dr Katzberg in Toronto has been so kind understanding and just plain amazing .. push to get EMG done!

We got the results and knew it wasn’t his muscles now to book two MIR that was hell Finally back to emerge and they had them done in 2 days took another week and half to get the results pushed to the specialist. And today results were in … was a very emotional days ..we knew the possibility was high and dr is requesting two more options…. all you can think about is how to save his life !

Its been an emotional time for him lost his job due Covid , insulated for his kids and grandkids … and fighting to figure out what in the world is tearing his body and mind down piece by piece ..

Thats how I ended up here tonight .. researching drugs and treatments .. the information over the last few months is so overwhelming..  I would go to the moon if I knew it would save his life!

I remember him bravely doing the ALS bucket challenge .. but we never knew how real this could be for us !
The question is where do we go from here ..

Thank you Angela

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