A phase 2 study on Reldesmtiv
Each week or so ALS News Today features and article on ALS research. Most reveal small steps that might help with slowing down the progression of ALS. As I read each article I try and find the positive because it makes me hopeful that researchers are heading down the path to a cure, or a way of stopping the progression. As with any disease, I know that research takes time and many clinical trials have to be completed. I think that ALS studies are also difficult because it’s a rare disease although it definitely does not feel that way to our forum members. Have you read this study https://alsnewstoday.com/2019/05/09/reldesemtiv-reduces-lung-function-decline-als-progression-cytokinetics/?
Share your thoughts about this study and the direction you would like to see ALS research take! We value your opinion.
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