Suzanne Gallo
Name | Suzanne Gallo |
Nickname | suzanne-gallo |
Year of Birth | 1961 |
Gender | Female |
Location | Hockessin, Delaware |
Relationship | Family |
Short Bio | My father passed away from ALS in 2016. He was 79 years old. I was with him quite often, helping my mother care for him. I know ALS. Now the shocker. My husband of 31 years, most likely has ALS. He is 67 years old. He has been evaluated and tested- in what I know to be an elimination process. Local neurologist says it may be ALS. Now we are working with University of Pennsylvania Neurology for a second opinion. I am afraid to say that my husband has ALS because it will make it real. Maybe there is still a chance to escape this train  wreck. I am prepared to become his caretaker. I have been a caretaker most of my life: the oldest daughter who stayed home with her children, then cared for my father in law who had Parkinson’s, then my own father with ALS, and now my 83 year old mother who has faced multiple health issues since my father passed. And now this. Trying to be positive. It’s hard.
How did you hear about us? | ALS News Today Newsletter |
How long have you or the person that you are caring for had ALS? | Just recently with my husband. My dad had ALS for about 3 years. |
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