Diana Belland
Name | Diana Belland |
Nickname | diana-belland |
Year of Birth | 1945 |
Gender | Female |
Location | Cincinnati, Ohio |
Relationship | Patient |
Short Bio | I was officially diagnosed with ALS on March 18, 2019. I am 73 and recently retired from 42 years as a university music professor. I’ve spent more than forty years being very physically active: running marathons, hiking, cycling, working out at the gym and just plain strolling on beautiful nature trails.  But ALS has limited my mobility. I have severe foot drop in the right foot and moderate foot drop in the left. My hands are slightly affected as are my lumbar spine muscles. Presently, I can walk well outside with the help of an AFO for the right foot and Nordic trekking poles.  I’m hoping to be able to maintain the ability, for as long as possible, to walk nature trails with the help of the Nordic trekking poles and perhaps by using a rollator with four large wheels made especially for trails. I am interested in hearing from patients who have found exercise to be helpful in maintaining strength and mobility. |
How did you hear about us? | ALS Website |
How long have you or the person that you are caring for had ALS? | Although I was diagnosed on 3/15/19, I believe that the onset may have been 18-24 months ago. |
Privacy Policy and Terms of Use | I agree |