Marta Ribeiro,  —

Marta graduated from Universidade Fernando Pessoa in Porto with a degree in Communication Sciences and a Masters degree in New Communication Technologies. She has experience in social media, worked with several media channels, and has also worked as a freelance photographer and a graphic artist for almost 10 years.

Articles by Marta Ribeiro

ALS Studies: Biomarkers Research in ALS

In this video from Rare Disease Report, watch Dr. Shafeeq S. Ladha, from Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona talk “about the numerous amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS studies) they have underway at the institute.” Read the latest updates on ALS:…

7 ALS Headlines

1. Herantis’ Potential ALS Treatment, CDNF, Recommended for Orphan Drug Status by EMA Herantis Pharma announced that it has received a positive opinion from the European Medicines Agency’s Committee for Orphan Medicinal Products (COMP) on…

ALS Treatment Center: Beating the Odds of ALS Meet Ernest! In this video from November 2015, you can watch his ALS story; Ernest suffered from frequent muscle spasms and triggers of severe pain. To help ease his discomfort he began receiving holistic therapy three days a week. As a result of integrative treatments such as acupuncture, laser…

What is ALS?

Dr. Berglund explains what exactly ALS is, how it’s caused, and what patients can do to naturally treat it… and then, of course, takes the Ice Bucket Challenge. “Dr. Berglund has spent over twenty years at his clinic in southeast Wisconsin helping people improve their health without drugs or…

What is MND?

MND stands for motor neurone disease. It is also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in many parts of the world, and therefore in some countries better known as ALS. This short video explains motor neurone disease (MND/ALS) and provides a snapshot of MND in Australia. Learn more about…

Legacy – A Ride to Conquer MND

In 2013, two men diagnosed with MND set out on an epic adventure. On a customized recumbent tandem bike, the two men rode 1,000,000 meters (1000km) from Brisbane to Sydney to raise awareness for MND, and funds to find a cure. One pedalled with his arms, the other with…