Living Well with ALS - a column by Dagmar Munn

Living Well With ALS When Dagmar was diagnosed with ALS at the age of 59 in 2010, she tapped into her nearly 30 years of professional experience. She not only follows her own wellness and fitness advice but also inspires and teaches others to do the same. Dagmar is a patient columnist at BioNews, writing “Living Well with ALS.” In addition, she is one of the moderators for the ALS News Today Forum and writes a personal blog called “ALS and Wellness.” She lives in Arizona, enjoying finding humor in life's situations, and spends her free time pursuing creative projects in fiber arts.

How can friction be eliminated in my daily life with ALS?

Before ALS entered my life, I barely noticed how easily I completed simple, everyday tasks. But living with ALS can be tiring, and it makes everything — including the little things, our run-of-the-mill habits — feel difficult and tedious. I reached the point where I contemplated giving them up…

Why I named my column ‘Living Well with ALS’

I named my column “Living Well with ALS” for many reasons. The most important one was that each word in the title had a deep meaning for me. Six years ago, when Bionews, the parent company of this website, invited me to write a patient column for…

How 4 wheels and Velcro help me move through my ALS life

Like many ALS patients, I had a difficult time accepting assistive devices into my life. In my case, a pair of ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs), a rollator, and a mobility scooter challenged my adaptability and sense of myself. But over time, with lots of persistence and support from my caregiver…

My Santa wish list for holiday events and life with ALS

Dear Santa, here’s my special wish list for the holiday season. I’m not asking for toys or special treats, just your help in making my holiday social events blend better with my life with ALS. Specifically, I’m hoping you can help me when I attend social gatherings, dine in…