Living Well with ALS - a column by Dagmar Munn

Living Well With ALS When Dagmar was diagnosed with ALS at the age of 59 in 2010, she tapped into her nearly 30 years of professional experience. She not only follows her own wellness and fitness advice but also inspires and teaches others to do the same. Dagmar is a patient columnist at BioNews, writing “Living Well with ALS.” In addition, she is one of the moderators for the ALS News Today Forum and writes a personal blog called “ALS and Wellness.” She lives in Arizona, enjoying finding humor in life's situations, and spends her free time pursuing creative projects in fiber arts.

How Journaling Helped Me Adjust to Living With ALS

A question I’m often asked by newly diagnosed ALS patients is, “What do you think is the one thing that helped you adjust so well to living with ALS?” My answer is always the same: There’s no one thing; it’s the synergy of many strategies and habits that have…

Why I Still Wear a Mask in Public

I must confess, whenever I’m in a crowded public place, I wear a face mask. Why? Because I’m a person living with ALS and doing everything I can to keep my immune system in tiptop shape. Plus, being the only person wearing a mask doesn’t bother me. In fact,…

How My Daily Routine Helps Me Live With ALS

Ask me what I think about having a do-the-same-thing-every-day routine and I’ll tell you it is great. Especially now that I live with ALS, having and following a consistent daily routine is absolutely vital to my health. A daily routine is something almost everyone has experienced at some point…