New Referral Coming!!
Hi all,
I spoke to my GP yesterday about the report he received from my Neuromuscular Dr. He was not impressed with it at all. The Neuro mentions all of these abnormal things like weakness, atrophy, abnormal muscle biopsy, abnormalities on EMG, progressing symptoms. Then says that the bloodwork did not give any clues as to what is going on ….so he ordered more genetic testing. No impression, opinion or direction of any possible diagnosis was given after 3 years of testing.
I told my Dr. that I am progressing but after 3 years he still does not have any idea of what is going on or if he does he will not say. My doctor agreed that basically the letter says nothing. He told me to look into another neuromuscular doctor and give him the name and he will try to make the referral but that I will be starting over again from the beginning..? ( I’m pretty sure a new doctor wouldn’t repeat all the testing I have had would they??????) I am both happy and worried….what If I pick the wrong doctor, what if I go through all of this and they still can’t find anything. Then I start second guessing myself thinking what if my muscle loss is just age …and on and on….what if I am making it seem worse than it is. Lots of anxiety there. I have asked to be referred to the Ottawa NeuroMuscular Centre in Ontario Canada. This is not an ALS Centre but they do seem to diagnose a lot of rare diseases.
On another note, he ordered a C Spine and T Spine MRI. When he looked at my file, he realized that has not been done and I have thinning around shoulders with weakness and back pain.
Is the C Spine MRI in anyway diagnostic for ALS? I thought I might have read about the Anterior Horn showing up on that area. Has anyone had results from a C Spine MRI?
Also found out I have Mitral Valve Prolapse from my Echo Cardiogram, said the leaflets are thickened. I do have symptoms of it, short of breath, heart pounding and pressure, some chest pain, fatigue and I have pitting edema in my legs. I thought some of these symptoms could be from early Als but now I am doubting myself.
I was also diagnosed with Chronic Small Vessel disease in my brain from a previous MRI last year. Also, global brain atrophy with white spots….everything comes in as MILD…. I don’t understand how all of this gets put together, there is so much going on I am overwhelmed :(.
Any input from anyone who has experienced any of these things would help me a lot.
Thanks everyone 🙂
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