
Searching for Markers on the Difficult Path of ALS

I followed the directions on my phone to the Lily Creek Nature Sanctuary in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. The 40-acre forest preserve with maple, paper birch, and balsam fir is only five minutes from my home, but I’d never been there. I’d seen an advertisement for a hike and…

Why Am I Singing Through a Straw, You Might Ask?

I’m always open to learning new things, especially when they involve simple ways to improve my life with ALS. When I come across something super helpful, I just have to share it with my readers. My most recent discovery involves a simple plastic straw. In fact, it’s become a…

Staying Grounded in a New Year While Living With ALS

On Saturday afternoon, I was feeling apprehensive that 2023 would be an even harder year for my husband, Todd, and me than previous ones. Todd’s breathing continues to weaken due to ALS. The beginning of the year is often a time when people take stock of their lives;…

Why Dependency Is a Reality of Life With ALS

Dependency is a difficult reality of ALS. My husband, Todd, fought to preserve his independence as long as possible, but he lost each battle to progressive disability. When his legs became noticeably weak, he got a walking stick, and then a scooter, followed by a power wheelchair. He lost…

Prepare and Prevent: My Strategy for Living With ALS

During my first year living with ALS, I spent a lot of time researching and learning whatever I could about the disease. I came across long lists of medical equipment that patients like me could expect to use when ALS symptoms progressed. Books written by medical experts with…

This New Year, Let’s Nurture Our Will to Want to Live

Note: This column includes a mention of suicide. The most powerful force within people is the impulse to stay alive. Our survival instinct is so strong that we’re willing and inexplicably able to perform inhuman feats and take unimaginable risks. According to psychologist Abraham Maslow, survival is the foundation…

When Prayer Feels Unproductive, I Long for a Better World

Because life with ALS only gets harder as time goes by, prayer has felt increasingly unproductive for me. And after more than a decade of watching my husband, Todd, suffer from the disease, my prayers have been full of dismay. “God, are you there? Don’t you care? Don’t you…