
Learning How to Answer the Question ‘What Is ALS?’

I remember the first time someone asked me, “What is ALS?” It was an awkward moment and the question caught me completely off guard. Why? Because only a few months earlier I had received an ALS diagnosis and was searching for the answer to that very question myself. “Um…

How a Robot on Mars Improved My Attitude

I’ll admit that because I live with ALS, some of my past “Human vs. Automation” experiences have been, um, less than perfect. Touchpads that open automated doors don’t always work for me, and voice activation software doesn’t recognize my commands. But now, I have a new sense of…

I’m Learning to Embrace My High-speed ALS Reflexes

Shortly after I was diagnosed with ALS, I began to notice my reflexes acting kind of wonky. Pre-ALS, thanks to years of practicing yoga and tai chi, I considered myself a relatively calm and relaxed person. But now, any sudden loud noise or unexpected tap on my shoulder had…