
How 4 wheels and Velcro help me move through my ALS life

Like many ALS patients, I had a difficult time accepting assistive devices into my life. In my case, a pair of ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs), a rollator, and a mobility scooter challenged my adaptability and sense of myself. But over time, with lots of persistence and support from my caregiver…

Why I can be thankful in the bad situation of life with ALS

As I drove through town, I cringed reading a church’s changeable-letter sign: “Be thankful for everything that happens to you. It’s all part of the experience.” There’s scientific evidence promoting the benefits of gratitude, so I try to practice it, but I get tired of counting my blessings…

My Santa wish list for holiday events and life with ALS

Dear Santa, here’s my special wish list for the holiday season. I’m not asking for toys or special treats, just your help in making my holiday social events blend better with my life with ALS. Specifically, I’m hoping you can help me when I attend social gatherings, dine in…