Joyful Sorrow - a Column by Kristin Neva

patients, strength, bittersweet Kristin Neva is an author, mother of two, and caregiver for her husband, Todd, who was diagnosed with ALS in 2010 when he was 39 years old. Knowing they would need family support, they moved to Upper Michigan and built an accessible home on property next to Kristin’s childhood home. Kristin enjoys spending time outdoors, especially on the shore of Lake Superior in the summer. Todd no longer has use of his limbs, but he stays active working on projects on his computer using adaptive technology. They try to find joy in the midst of sorrow as Todd’s health declines.

The Challenges of Hiring Nighttime ALS Caregivers

“It’s just one night. It’ll be fine,” my husband, Todd, said after his night caregiver contacted me late one evening to explain she was dealing with a family emergency. Todd is paralyzed from ALS and needs to be turned and have his limbs adjusted throughout the night. It was…

‘Life Is Pain’: Living Day by Day With ALS

Months after my husband, Todd, was diagnosed with ALS, our church’s worship leader asked us to participate in a Sunday morning service with “Cardboard Testimonies.” We watched an example on YouTube in which music played while people stood in front of the congregation and shared their stories. Presenters didn’t…