Reflecting on what I did right after I was diagnosed with ALS

How columnist Dagmar Munn found balance in life with ALS

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by Dagmar Munn |

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Every once in a while, a common question circulates on ALS social media sites: “What would you do differently if you were diagnosed today?” The replies are interesting and often filled with regrets, such as trips not taken or home modifications made too late.

I’ve participated in these discussions and even wrote a column about my own first-year mistakes. But now that I’m in my 13th year of living with ALS, I believe there’s more value in studying the things I think I did right, rather than those I did wrong.

When I was diagnosed with ALS, I felt like the rug had been pulled out from under me. But instinctively, I knew I had to get up and keep going. What helped me rebalance my shattered emotions was relying on the wellness principles I’d taught to others during my professional years. These included the Six Dimensions of Wellness, a change in perspective, and a simple strategy to combat daily stress speed bumps.

Balancing my life dimensions

Developed in the 1970s by Dr. Bill Hettler, co-founder of the National Wellness Institute, the Six Dimensions of Wellness model represents elements and behaviors that anyone can use to create their own path to optimal living. The six dimensions are occupational, physical, social, intellectual, spiritual, and emotional.

Because ALS brings so much focus to our physical needs, often consuming the majority of our energy and time, the physical dimension can overtake the other five. Our life can feel unbalanced, and we may lose our sense of self.

Figuring out how to stay engaged in all six dimensions was a challenge, but I’m glad I did it. As a matter of fact, my experiences in this endeavor make up the bulk of my “Living Well With ALS” columns. I encourage you to explore them all.

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Learning to pivot

Another challenge for me was finding a new purpose, or simply something meaningful to fill my days. I noticed many ALS patients had a warrior mindset. For them, each day was a battle, and accepting change was a defeat. Then there were the standout patients who accepted their diagnosis and moved on with their lives. They found a way to continue participating in life, remaining noticeably positive, optimistic, and hopeful. I wanted to have that attitude, too.

So I worked hard to mentally embrace the changes happening to me and gave my goals a pivot. Rather than being overwhelmed with what I could no longer do, I considered what I could accomplish. The groups and clubs I belonged to still needed help; my new limitations just meant I’d be helping in different ways. Writing online newsletters, helping track memberships, and even learning to build a website were all projects that helped me find purpose.

Snuffing out daily stressors

Despite my lofty goals and mental focus, those pesky little speed bumps continued to pop up, often at the worst of times. Dead batteries, Velcro that sticks to things it shouldn’t, a printer running out of ink, and more. I think you’ve had these, too.

The simple technique I use is called “checking in.” It’s basically asking yourself three questions: How do I feel? What do I need? Who can help me?

I ask them when speed bumps happen to help diffuse my growing anger. I ask myself those same three questions 10, sometimes 20 times a day. And every time I answer, I have more patience when things get muddled. And I’m calmer when they don’t happen at all.

Looking back, I’m proud I followed these strategies early on with my ALS, and I hope they can be of help to you, too. Let’s continue to help each other learn to live well while living with ALS.

Note: ALS News Today is strictly a news and information website about the disease. It does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website. The opinions expressed in this column are not those of ALS News Today or its parent company, Bionews, and are intended to spark discussion about issues pertaining to ALS.