11th Anniversary of ‘Tradition of Hope’ Gala Raises Funds for ALS

Augie’s Quest announced the 11th annual ‘Tradition of Hope’ gala event will be held Oct. 15 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel to raise funds for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) research.
Augie’s Quest is a cure-driven nonprofit effort dedicated to finding treatments and a cure for ALS. The effort was started by Augie Nieto, co-founder of Life Fitness. All funds raised will benefit research at the ALS Therapy Development Institute, one of the world’s largest ALS-dedicated drug development organizations, of which Nieto is chairman of the board.
The 11th annual gala will be emceed by Natalie Morales, a news anchor and co-host of NBC News’ Today. In a private concert, Californian surfer and musician Donavon Frankenreiter will sing a few songs from his latest album, “The Heart.”
The gala also will feature an award ceremony to recognize the exceptional contributions of all people affiliated with Augie’s Quest. This year, Patrick Fuscoe, founder and chief executive officer of Fuscoe Engineering, will receive the 2016 Founders Award for his continuous support of Augie’s Quest since its inception.
“I am so lucky to be a friend of Augie and to be a part of his life, both personally and through Augie’s Quest and the ALS Therapy Development Institute. The Institute is practical, efficient, and gaining ground on this disease,” said Fuscoe in a press release.
In addition, Chris Mehess will receive the 2016 Courage Award. Mehess learned about his ALS diagnosis in August 2015 and shared his inspirational story through a video, which helped raise almost $50,000 for Augie’s Quest earlier this year.
“The Tradition of Hope Gala is one of my favorite nights each year because we have the privilege of honoring people that truly impact our quest to find a cure for ALS,” said Nieto. “Pat Fuscoe is a great leader, a great man and an incredible friend. Chris Mehess is an inspiration to all of us in how he lives his life with ALS. He’s an extraordinary dad, husband and man,” Nieto added.
Supporters can buy tickets for the 11th annual Tradition of Hope gala and make a donation.