Motor Neurone Disease Association Earns High Praise

The United Kingdom-based Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Association was commended recently at the Third Sector Awards for its efforts in the MND community.
The nonprofit organization won high commendations in the “Charity of the Year: Over £5M” category at the annual awards, which recognizes the achievements of charitable organizations and holds them up as examples of good practice. This year’s awards presentation took place at the Londoner Hotel in London, England.
“Being awarded a high commendation in the charity of the year category is a real achievement in a year in which so many charities have done incredible work to support their communities,” Sally Light, MND Association CEO, said in a press release.
“My whole team and I are delighted to be recognized in such a special way on a national platform. The work which has earned us this high commendation — providing care and support for people with MND, campaigning and raising awareness— will continue as we strive together towards our vision of a world free from MND,” added Light.
The MND Association win came under the “excellence awards” category, in which there were 15 segments, including best charity film, best use of social media, and others. The other two categories were “partnership awards” and “talent awards”
The overall winner in the Charity of the Year: Over £5M category was the U.K.’s Family Action, which provides support to those who are experiencing poverty, social isolation, and related issues.
MNDs are a group of progressive neurological disorders that includes amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The MND Association focuses on improving access to care and research, and advocating for patients in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland who have MND, as well as their caregivers. Some 5,000 U.K. residents are thought to be living with MND, and roughly 1,100 are diagnosed annually.
“For far too long, the story of motor neurone disease has been the same,” the organization stated in its contest entry. “Too many people facing MND alone, too many families torn apart, too many people losing loved ones before their time. In a year like no other, the MND Association has drawn together the strength, courage, and fighting spirit of our whole community.”
The Third Sector Awards give voluntary organizations of all sizes a chance to celebrate their work and their societal contributions, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Entering the Third Sector Awards is your opportunity to shout about just how great your charity, organization, or team is,” Third Sector states on a webpage. “This is the chance to bring your work to life, tell its story, and be awarded for it. The Third Sector Awards pride themselves on educating and inspiring the sector, as well as offering every entrant detailed feedback on their entry from our expert panel of judges.”