AstroRx Given at Higher Dose Still Safely Slowing ALS Progression, Trial Reports

Getting Credit for Being Old (It’s About Time)

Every week, I receive an email from a friend that’s filled with cartoons, jokes, and quirky one-liners. And this time around, one quip struck me as feeling eerily true: “It feels weird being the same age as old people.” Why? Well, like most folks who share my age (I’m 69),…

Craving Laughter in the Midst of Sorrow

It’s time again to send our annual Christmas letter and picture card to our friends and family. Since my daughter could talk, I’ve kept a list of cute things the kids say throughout each year. I pick the best to include in our letter. When Sara was 2, we…

We Are All the Stuff of Legends

“All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts …” – William Shakespeare Some months back, I…