
What we can learn from living out loud with ALS

I’m writing this column while gazing out over a foggy Pacific Ocean, aboard a ship that’s taking a group of us from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, to the icy waters of Glacier Bay, Alaska, and back. Intermittently on this voyage, pods of porpoises come racing close by the ship, and…

Private caregiver wanted — because I need to sleep

A month ago, one of my husband’s nighttime caregivers gave notice that she won’t be able to work beyond the summer, and our search for her replacement began. I asked Todd’s other caregivers to spread the word, I posted on my Facebook page about it, and Todd reached out to…

Having all the facts helps me live with ALS

Those crazy, runaway thoughts. When I was young, I used to have them all the time. That’s because I didn’t know the whole story about certain things, so my mind would invent the answers. While growing up, I learned the value of having all the facts, and my crazy…

Oh, the hugs I’ve missed as times have changed

“I really want to go to your performance,” my husband, Todd, told our daughter, Sara, who was starting a weeklong intensive with Eisenhower Dance Detroit that will culminate in a performance Saturday. “It’s just too hard to get out, and I don’t want to sit in the theater with…

Just why was I saving some of my old clothes?

Imagine you’re all alone, stranded on a remote island and surrounded by miles and miles of uncharted ocean. Here’s my question: How much time would you let pass before giving up hope of ever being rescued? One year? How about five years? Or are you an “I’ll never give up…