
Lessons I Learned From My AFOs

I’m happy to announce I’ve finally resolved a love-hate relationship — with my AFOs. It took persistence, but I can now step into my white, molded plastic ankle-foot orthoses and walk pain-free. That’s important to me because I want to keep walking for as long as possible, and my…

Facing Winter Together and Fighting as Best as We Can

It’s been an intense couple weeks of winter weather on Michigan’s Keweenaw Peninsula. After a mild January with many sunny days, the first two weeks of February made up for it with over 40 inches of snowfall, along with below-zero to single-digit temperatures. I had been getting out…

Positive Rituals and My Evolving Morning Routine

Ten years ago, if you had asked me how I was feeling when I woke up in the morning, I would’ve ignored you and disappeared beneath the blankets. That was during my first year with ALS, a time when I felt the weight of worry and having a life…

An ALS Diagnosis Changes Our Perception of Life

Some people take a long time to get an ALS diagnosis, which is a drawn-out, stressful journey. Our story was stressful in a different way, in that my husband’s diagnosis came almost too quickly. In the fall of 2009, Todd first noticed that his left arm was becoming weak.

ALS Ain’t Elvis, but It Sure Can Seem Like It Is

The 1987 song “Elvis Is Everywhere” by Mojo Nixon and Skid Roper asserts the omnipresence of Elvis Presley. Despite the first-glance outlandishness of the song’s premise — fittingly, the single is found on the album titled “Bo-Day-Shus!!!” — I am…

3 Things I Would Do Differently If Diagnosed Today

I’m often asked by others in the ALS community for tips and insight from my past 10 years of living with ALS. While I am grateful for both making it this far while maintaining most of my physical abilities, I am by no means an expert. ALS symptoms differ…

Because of ALS, I’m Doing Things I Never Envisioned

When I met my husband, Todd, I was a renter, so I didn’t need to worry about home maintenance. I drove a 15-year-old Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera, and I didn’t do much vehicle maintenance beyond having the oil changed. I put gas in the tank, and I figured as long as…

Let’s Help Bring Back the ALS Clinics

As I hung up the phone following a short chat with my neurologist, an old saying bubbled up in my mind: “You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.” What was I bemoaning the loss of? My ALS clinic. I’ve been missing the interaction, the idea-sharing, and being…