Conversations with Dr. B
In the Pre-fALS study that I participate in at the University of Miami, I often have conversations with Dr. B about ALS. At times, I often throw out many ideas and theories about ALS and it’s link to various mutations. He humor’s me and explains the most recent findings, and he usually is able to do this in layman’s terms that are easily understood by most non-medical professionals. Unfortunately for Dr. B, when I started volunteering I was in graduate school and had access to medical journals so I usually came to my visits with copies of articles, lists of questions, and even a few ideas and thoughts (which he nicely listened to every time.) One of the things we often discuss is how each different genetic mutation (linked to ALS) impacts the body differently, and results in ALS. As we all know, that is why they are searching for different ways to treat ALS. The article https://alsnewstoday.com/2020/04/21/next-generation-sequencing-gene-tool-may-advance-understanding-diagnosing-als/ , in my opinion, is a great direction for ALS research. I think it will help researchers and medical teams be able to narrow down what is needed to intervene and treat pALS based on each mutation. I’m curious to see if down the road it sheds light on to sporadic ALS and genetics. Have you had a chance to read this article? What direction do you think ALS research should be taking? Does information like this article increase your interest in clinical trials?
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