ALS News Today Forums Forums Boosting Our Voices Awareness and Advocacy Learn about the current state of air travel for those with disabilities and what changes are being proposed

  • Learn about the current state of air travel for those with disabilities and what changes are being proposed

    Posted by Dagmar on May 16, 2021 at 1:00 am

    Do you use a power chair or need other support equipment and are you planning to travel by air this summer? Then add this webinar recording to your must-see-before-we-go list.

    It’s packed with valuable information. Like, according to an MDA survey: pre-covid, 80% of people with a neuromuscular disability engaged in air travel but 70% of them experienced significant barriers to their travel opportunities. They had problems such as damage to power chairs, inaccessible lavatories, and poor assistance from the ground crew. I was also surprised to learn that reimbursement for damages to patient’s equipment and chairs has now become an acceptable and inevitable fixed cost for airline companies.

    What can we do? The webinar also explains the new bill introduced in March 2021 to the House of Representatives. The “Air Carrier Access Amendments Act” (H.R. 1696/S), which needs our support!

    Link to webinar: MDA Advocacy Institute: Accessible Air Travel Policy

    What key points did you learn from this webinar? Has this webinar changed your attitude about air travel? What experiences or barriers have you had when flying?

    Dagmar replied 3 years, 3 months ago 0 Member · 0 Replies
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