ALS News Today Forums Forums Living With ALS Medication, Mindfulness, Movement and Mood – – Why are they important if you have ALS?

  • Medication, Mindfulness, Movement and Mood – – Why are they important if you have ALS?

    Posted by Dagmar on November 19, 2019 at 7:05 am

    When I was diagnosed with ALS in 2010, I was disappointed and frustrated that was only one medication available to help slow the progression of the symptoms. Nothing else existed for newly diagnosed patients like me.

    In the nine years since my diagnosis, I have followed a simple formula for daily living based on the wellness principles I once taught to others.

    In addition to taking my medication and seeing my doctor, I keep my thoughts in the here and now, exercise daily, and practice optimism. Imagine my delight when I discovered several studies validating the components of my plan.

    Mindfulness, motion and a positive mood are behaviors associated with slowing ALS progression, and in my column I explain the research and the benefits.

    Do you practice any of these habits and — how have they helped you? Would you like to learn more about them?

    Dagmar replied 5 years, 3 months ago 3 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Lisa Bonahoom

    November 19, 2019 at 10:08 am

    Dagmar, I absolutely live that way!   I am gifted with a positive attitude but maintain it by living each day firmly in the present, celebrating what I have rather than what I have lost.  I exercise daily, walking more than running now.  I practice Zen meditation, and it really helps my to clear dark thoughts and worries.  I maintain a healthy diet, and am so happy that I can still swallow!  I love your columns and the way you fight this disease.  9 years!  Wow!  I am 3 years in: not bad for Bulbar onset!   Lisa

  • Dagmar

    November 19, 2019 at 11:06 am

    Absolutely Lisa! I am so glad that you too are feeling the benefits of practicing the “4-Ms.”

    It’s a short list, but a mighty one 🙂

  • Susana Rave

    November 19, 2019 at 1:47 pm

    Dagmar, I exercise (squats, walk and ride a stationary bike) and i truly hope this activity will help keep my muscles strong.  However, i am still struggling with keeping a positive attitude, in spite of my very positive and happy disposition.  I suppose the fact that I was recently diagnosed (9/27/19) is the reason for the angry feelings i am dealing with.  Fortunately, i don’t have these sad episodes/feelings frequently; nonetheless it’s a struggle to deal with.  I appreciate the forum as it provides much support.  Thank you.

  • Dagmar

    November 19, 2019 at 3:34 pm

    Susana, It’s great you are maintaining your activity! But do allow yourself to go through the emotional process of accepting ALS – – meaning change, loss, sadness, worry…all that. Those are natural feelings to have following (what I call the “trauma” of) diagnosis. As one pALS put it: “after being diagnosed with ALS, we don’t go home and write a stand-up comedy routine about it!”

    Allow the feelings to happen. Run their course. But not dominate you entire day or thoughts. That’s where mindfulness comes in – – it’s not all meditation – – but the ability to keep your thoughts in the “now” rather than the past or future.  Here’s a helpful blog I wrote about it: How to Focus and Pay Attention; Mindfulness for pALS

    Glad to have you in the forum!

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