With $300K Grant, ALS Never Surrender Foundation Launches Mobile App to Track Disease Progression

Wartime Living Tests Marriages

Sometimes I’ll pick up a magazine in a grocery store checkout line and see a marriage article about sex or the division of household chores. I’ll sigh wistfully. Healthy people problems. In “Flying Without Wings,” Arnold Beisser describes his journey to become a psychiatrist, which was nearly impossible after…

The Power of My ALS Role Models

Do you have an ALS role model? I do. I have a whole collection of ALS role models, and each one helps me power through my day. I’ve always believed in the importance of a role model; someone whose success or behavior sets an example for me to follow. Someone…

Imagining Our Lives Without ALS

My husband, Todd, recently asked me, “What do you think our life would be like if I hadn’t gotten ALS?” I’ve done this mental exercise before, but never with him. He’d be working and trying to advance his career. Our two kids would be in school. I might be working…

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