An ALS Love Story – Often Awesome

An ALS Love Story – Often Awesome

“Hello my name is Tim and I have ALS, America’s best kept secret disease.” This video by AllAcesMedia focuses on the daily routine Tim lives with and the care he receives from his wife, friends and nurses. If you ever wanted to know what living with ALS is…this is the one…

Voice for an ALS Patient

Meet Don and his family and learn all about how an ALS patient who had never used a computer before, is able to get his voice back. Keep up to date on ALS news here:…

What is ALS?

Dr. Berglund explains what exactly ALS is, how it’s caused, and what patients can do to naturally treat it… and then, of course, takes the Ice Bucket Challenge. “Dr. Berglund has spent over twenty years at his clinic in southeast Wisconsin helping people improve their health without drugs or…

ProMIS Forms Key Advisory Boards to Advance Its ALS, Alzheimer’s Therapies

ProMIS Neurosciences announced that it has established Business (BAB) and Scientific (SAB) advisory boards to advance the company’s work. ProMIS is developing its first products focused on more effective treatments of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). “Our number one goal is to create the appropriate precision therapeutics and companion diagnostics…

Documenting Life with Motor Neuron Disease

11 years ago, Pete Anderson was diagnosed with motor neuron disease – an incurable condition that’s robbed him of his voice and left him confined to a wheelchair. His life probably wouldn’t normally grab much attention if it weren’t for Pete Anderson’s determined effort simply to be able to…

Increased Risk of ALS Appears Linked to Physical Trauma at Early Age

Physical trauma at earlier ages appears associated with an increased risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), according to a study titled “Physical Trauma and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Population-Based Study Using Danish National Registries” published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease and Charcot…

Diagnosing ALS

In this video by Lee Memorial Health System, learn more about why ALS (or Lou Gehrig’s disease) is still a mystery, including what causes it. But doctors have no doubt about its progression. They believe they can provide people with this fatal disease some relief, if they could just…

What is MND?

MND stands for motor neurone disease. It is also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in many parts of the world, and therefore in some countries better known as ALS. This short video explains motor neurone disease (MND/ALS) and provides a snapshot of MND in Australia. Learn more about…