ALS News Today Forums Forums Living With ALS How to Sit Healthy Even with ALS

  • How to Sit Healthy Even with ALS

    Posted by Dagmar on May 30, 2019 at 7:00 am

    Do you slump, slouch and spend too much time sitting?

    According to the health and fitness gurus, sitting is the new health hazard of the modern world. We’re told that too much sitting causes weight gain, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, as well as neck and back pain, weakened muscles, lethargy and plain old foggy thinking.

    The experts advise us to “get up and move!” Take a walk! Use a standing desk or don’t sit on a chair at all – – sit on a yoga ball instead!

    But for many of us living with ALS, sitting on a yoga ball or taking a walk is no longer an option. We spend our days fully knowing we’re doing something unhealthy – – but have no other choice than to do it anyway.

    Don’t lose hope! Because I maintain that no matter what is making you spend your day in a seated position – – you can sit healthy; just by following these three tips:

    Does having ALS cause you to sit more? What are you doing to prevent back pain and muscle weakness? Have you tried any of my suggestions? Have they helped you?

    Dagmar replied 5 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • John Russell

    May 30, 2019 at 8:16 pm

    Just reviewed your blog. I have always had a slump which began with a rapid growth spurt at a young age.  I was becoming concerned about ALS creeping into my core. After testing at clinic I was assured “not yet”.

    Two good things, I push my butt to the back of a chair when sitting andk get up often. I check my posture often and straighten up often, followed by sinking and reminding myself again.

    I checked your blog and found many of your movements that I think I can do.

    Note to self “try them”.

  • Dagmar

    May 31, 2019 at 11:49 am

    Thanks for the comments John 🙂

    Good that you are sitting “well” – – I too catch myself slumping by late afternoon. At least we are attuned enough to our bodies to “feel” the problem happening and quickly (OK, slowly 🙂 ) move into a more correct position.

    I’ve found that taking the time to sit properly, put the pillow near my low/mid-back and roll shoulders back has helped my breathing, speaking and thinking clearly 😉 abilities!


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