ROADS vs ALSFRS-R: Do you know about this new ALS rating scale?
The ALSFRS-R has been used in ALS Clinics and clinical trials since the 1990s, and is the standard used to determine the rate of progression of ALS symptoms. Although it is quick and easy to use, this scale has its share of criticism. For example, answers are subjective and the tracking of symptom changes is generalized and not specific enough to track subtle changes.
In this webinar, Christina Fournier, MD, MSc, Emory ALS Center and Emory University, who helped develop a new scale called, ROADS (Rasch-Built Overall ALS Disability Scale), presents how the ROADS was developed and shares their goal of using it in all future ALS clinical trials.
As someone who for years has been disappointed in the ALSFRS-R, I welcome a new scale such as the ROADS. I recommend this webinar (45 -min.)to pALS and cALS. It will be worth your time to better understand this new scale and how it will improve tracking symptom changes – – both in the clinic and in trials.
Helpful links:
- WEBINAR: https://www.neals.org/for-people-with-als-caregivers/educational-webinars/roads-to-a-better-als-outcome-measure-the-new-rasch-built-overall-als-disab
- To see a copy of the ALSFRS-R: https://www.outcomes-umassmed.org/ALS/alsscale.aspx
- To see copy of the ROADS: https://med.emory.edu/departments/neurology/programs_centers/emory_als_center/_documents/roads.pdf
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