Must Watch Movies and Books
With our families spending more time at home and together, have you found things to do that help you pass the time while enjoying time with loved ones? Watching movies or reading books and discussing them is a suggestion I recently heard in an online seminar on “self-care.” Movie clubs or book clubs of sorts. So to expand on that idea I wondered if anyone had any Must Reads or Must Sees to recommend. Would anyone want to do an online book or movie club about movies or books that put a spot light on ALS? Here is a list from the ALS Association https://alsadotorg.wordpress.com/2017/05/22/als-films-to-watch/ Please feel free to post a topic about a book or movie you’ve read if you would like to start a discussion. Also, if there are books or movies not on this list that you enjoyed or found to be informative please share!
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