Be Sure to Get Involved Virtually
As we continue to social distance and many parts of the United States, and around the world, continue to stay at home to avoid possible COVID-19 exposure, it is important that we continue to put a spot light on ALS during the month of May (well all year, but especially during May.) Although we may not be able to gather and participate in The Walk to Defeat ALS, we can get involved virtually. Check out you local ALS chapter and the National ALS Association website to see how you can participate at home. Also, ALS News Today spotlighted some information in https://alsnewstoday.com/2020/05/12/pandemic-moves-als-awareness-month-events-and-activities-online/.
Do you think that ALS Awareness month is getting enough attention this month considering the state of our world? Do you think that getting involved virtually is a good idea for you and your supporters? How have helped to promote ALS Awareness month?
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