ALS News Today Forums Forums Caregivers and Family ​ A New Resource: The Caregiver Action Network

  • A New Resource: The Caregiver Action Network

    Posted by Dagmar on December 2, 2019 at 12:05 pm

    Helping care for a family member or loved one can be hard work and people don’t often talk about the emotional toll of being a caregiver.

    But a new hotline specifically for caregivers is trying to fill that gap. The Caregiver Action Network is more than information on how to handle things like doctor’s appointments, medication or finances. They provide emotional support as well.

    “Caregivers themselves go through feelings of depression, or anger, because this is not what you signed up for,” says John Schall, the CEO of the Caregiver Action Network. “Or guilt that you’re not giving the proper amount of care to a loved one.”

    This resource ( offers information in a variety of ways: on their website, online chat with a caregiver expert or a “hotline” phone number.

    If you are a caregiver, let us know what you think of this new resource and website. What questions would you like to see answered on this site or in our forum?

    Dagmar replied 5 years, 3 months ago 0 Member · 0 Replies
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