ALS News Today Forums Forums Living With ALS ALS Roundtable: What are your ALS-related goals or activities for this week?

  • ALS Roundtable: What are your ALS-related goals or activities for this week?

    Posted by Dagmar on August 12, 2019 at 12:02 pm

    You are invited to sit down (virtually, that is!) and join in this ALS Roundtable discussion.

    This roundtable is focused on staying motivated (or even getting motivated!). We can learn from each other – – and even cheer each other on.


    • Your ALS-related weekly (or daily) goals.
    • Are you planning to attend a support group or medical appointment or have PT/OT/etc.?
    • Any ALS-related events? Like a fund-raiser, walk or get-together?

    What are you looking forward to? What will be challenging for you? 

    Dagmar replied 5 years, 4 months ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Dagmar

    August 12, 2019 at 12:40 pm

    A “good day” for me, is when I accomplish all my scheduled exercise mini-breaks, do my breathing exercises and fit in a 10-minute meditation. Lately, life’s distractions and busyness over the past three weeks have interfered and I’ve only accomplished 1 or 2 items. A trend I need to change!

    So, this week, my mighty goal is to do all of them (exercise-breathe-meditate) every single day! whoo hoo!

    I’m also planning to continue the goal of clearing excess clutter around me (I wrote about what got me started here: Chasing Down My Someday-itis ). This week, I am attacking misc. mini-stacks of magazines & catalogs plus culling down the “knicky-knacks” crowding my computer/work area.

    I have a daily checklist for the above goals – – here’s to a good week ahead!

  • Diana Belland

    August 13, 2019 at 12:09 pm

    Dagmar, what a great topic for an ALS roundtable discussion!  I can definitely use some help in staying motivated and would love to learn from others as well.

    For most of my adult life, I’ve had the habit of writing a daily To-Do list.   After I retired a year ago, I let the habit lapse but I have found it so necessary to make those daily lists again since getting my diagnosis in March, 2019.  When I wake up in the morning, my first thought is:  what new symptoms do I have?  what familiar symptoms have gotten worse?  So, to corral my thoughts and calm myself, I grab my laptop and tap out the To-D0 list which includes my daily and weekly ALS goals:

    • Daily exercise goals include:  25 minutes of Original Strength exercises on my bed; Dagmar’s Move Along Chair video; 3-4 air squats twice a day; standing without support for 30 seconds twice a day.  I go to the Y three days a week to ride the recumbent bike for 40 minutes and do four leg machines.  On alternate days, I walk for twenty minutes with rest breaks on my home treadmill.
    • I have a standing 30 minute appointment on Wednesday of each week with my Pilates instructor;  I have an appointment with my ALS clinic speech therapist on AUG 23 for voice therapy.   My voice has been a little hoarse lately.   I have an appointment with my neurologist on Aug. 26 (three month check up).
    • I’ve signed up as “Team Diana” for an ALS Walk in Cincinnati on September 15. The walk is 1.7 miles so I’m thinking of taking both my rollator and my transfer chair.   I have two dear friends assisting me which will allow me to walk with the rollator for short stretches while one friend pushes the transfer chair.  I’ll have the option of riding in the chair when I need to take a rest while the other friend pushes the rollator.   I am thinking of possibly buying the type of rollator which converts to wheelchair mode.   I’m excited about trying to raise money for ALS research and for grants which assist pALS.
  • Dagmar

    August 16, 2019 at 5:48 pm

    Those are great goals Diana!

    Here we are at Friday – – and I’m happy to report that I managed to complete my goals for daily exercise, breathing exercises and 10-min. mediation. yay! I have to say that knowing I’d have to report back at the end of the week kept me focused.

    However, I failed at the clean-up goals: magazine/book piles and work table knicky-knacks remain in place 🙁 I will give this a go over the weekend or… make it next week’s priority.

    Anyone else have ALS-related goals or activities going on this week?

  • Diana Belland

    September 9, 2019 at 8:39 am

    I’m posting an update on my ALS related goals:  I am thrilled to write that, as of September 8,  I have met my fund raising goal for the Walk to Defeat ALS, Sunday, September 15, in my town.   My daughter, Laura, a physician, helped immensely by sending the Walk link to friends and associates.  Donations are still coming in so I am thinking of raising the dollar amount of the goal I originally set.

    My husband found a Hugo Navigator rollator/transfer chair in near new condition on EBay:

    It’s arriving Thursday of this week.  My goal will be to do the Walk by alternately walking using the rollator function for five or ten minutes and then riding using the wheelchair function when I need to rest.

    I would love to hear from others who are participating in ALS Walks this month!

  • Dagmar

    September 11, 2019 at 3:14 pm

    Congratulations Diana! You met your personal goal PLUS raised money for ALS. “High-five” with you across the miles! 🙂

    ….cool walker-transport chair… by the way 😉

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