cALS Roundtable Discussion: What do YOU Want to Know?
You are invited to sit down (virtually, that is!) and join in our ALS Roundtable discussion.
This week we are gathering suggestions from YOU and other forum members on what areas of ALS-related information you are searching for.
For example, what kind of caregiver-related information are you looking for or can’t find answers to? Or are there topics that spark an opinion? To start us off, below are four suggested categories.
Please vote in the comment section below, by choosing A, B, C, D or E – – or a combination of letters – – or even suggest a topic of your own.
Let’s find out what You want to know! Thank you!
- General news about ALS research and proposed treatments.
- Updates on clinical trials: those that are open for patients to join as well as clinical trial outcomes.
- Information on health insurance, long-term care, home care or agencies providing assistance to ALS patients and families.
- Tips and suggestions for caregivers to help their pALS adapt and live with ALS (including: home, travel, meals, adaptive equipment and maintaining physical health).
All of the above.
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