Count Down to Rare Disease Day, 4 Days
On February 29th we have an opportunity to be loud, to be united and to be heard! If you have not already participated in something to acknowledge Rare Disease Day, A World Wide event, please help us put the spot light on ALS and other Rare Diseases. You can post information or personal experiences on the ALS forum, on social media, participate in events in your area or many other activities. Don’t let February 29th pass us by without bringing attention to ALS. There are so many things that need attention such as handicapped accessible standards, research for a cure for ALS, and treatments for pALS, and the list goes on.
If you have participated, THANK YOU! If not, there is still time to join in and help. https://alsnewstoday.com/2020/02/20/rare-disease-day-2020-recognized-around-the-world/
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