We Help One Another
As most of you know, being a moderator is a part-time job for me. I’m supposed to pop on for a few minutes each day, welcome members and post topics when needed. The more I converse with each of you and get to know each of you, virtually of course, the more I am committed to anything that will help our community. I learn so much from you! Not just about research topics, but about focusing on what is important and accepting what I/We cannot control. I feel like I get way more out of our community than I can possibly give. Here is a shout out to all of you!! Thank you for helping to raise ALS Awareness! Thank you for participating in the forum discussions! Thank you for teaching our community! Thank you for volunteering and participating in trials and research! And thank you for joining our forums. Everyone of our members is important!
Is anyone doing anything for ALS Awareness Month today? If you have posted on Social Media what did you post?
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