ALS News Today Forums Forums Boosting Our Voices Awareness and Advocacy What IS Rare Disease Day and Why is it Important to Me?

  • What IS Rare Disease Day and Why is it Important to Me?

    Posted by Dagmar on February 25, 2020 at 9:00 am

    If you’re thinking that Rare Disease Day is just another ho-hum awareness event – – think again. It’s celebrated worldwide, and helps to shine a light on all rare diseases, including ALS.

    In this week’s column, Living Well on the Rare Side, I share a brief history of Rare Disease Day and what it means to me.

    This event is an example of rare disease communities banding together for a common cause. Do you feel this strategy is beneficial for gaining awareness, support and more medical treatments? Or do you think each disease community is better off fighting on their own?


    Dagmar replied 4 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies

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