• Posted by Isabelle Z on December 11, 2020 at 10:32 am

    for a few days. i had no pains. But now, it occured suddenly, it became difficult to stand up (rester debout) because of weakness of my back (mon dos) and if i try to stay longer than 2-3 minutes, i have pains. Does anybody already feel that, is it a problem with als or anything else? it makes me very sad, it is better with rollator but with rollator it seems my back ist getting ¨round¨(bossu).

    David Crellin replied 4 years, 2 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Dagmar

    December 11, 2020 at 11:50 am

    Isabelle, I’m sorry that you are now experiencing pain when you stand up. Because it is happening when you stand, and not just when sitting – – it sounds like your body’s muscles are becoming weaker, to the point that standing is putting them at stress.

    I noticed the same thing during my early years with ALS. There is a tendency for all of us to sit too long. To not do all the normal little movements we used to do: watering plants, dusting, clearing off the table, getting the mail, and on. All these movements keep our muscles toned – – but hours of sitting only lets them get weak.

    Yes, using a rollator helps hold you up, but over time as we get weaker we hunch and bend over more.

    What did I do? I began doing simple, easy bending-stretching-strengthening movements 2-3 times a day while sitting. Call it dancing in your chair, or chair exercises – – the point is, to move.

    Here is a good example of what to do: https://youtu.be/ihR0AZPCo8o

    And while we’re on the topic: how is your posture sitting? Do you slump and sink? Or sit up straight and have pillows to help support posture?

    Here is a lesson in sitting: https://youtu.be/x-48PhLcLqU?t=80

    We have to take care of ourselves and not let having ALS make our world smaller. Let me know if any of these tips have helped you 🙂


  • Isabelle Z

    December 16, 2020 at 3:18 pm

    Thank yoz Dagmar for your help, i ammgoing to do those exercices each day

  • David Crellin

    December 17, 2020 at 7:30 am

    I now suffer pain in my right shoulder and take ibuprofen before sleeping. I guess an active life and having torn my right biceps, broken the upper arm, broken collar bone, and having a malignant melanoma cut out will not have helped. But the reduction in muscle bulk has removed what cushioning there was in my shoulder, and now I can’t raise or articulate the arm.

    Happily my left arm is as strong as ever- no breaks down that side – and I can still play guitar!

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