What Risks Are We Willing to Take?

What Risks Are We Willing to Take?

“What if Todd had aspirated while you were on your spring break trip?” someone asked me. That’s the type of question I’ve asked myself many times over the last decade since my husband, Todd, was diagnosed with ALS. What risks are we willing to take to…

ILB Safe, Shows Potential to Slow ALS Progression in Small Phase 2 Trial

TikoMed reported that ILB, its investigational therapy to protect nerve cells in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), was well-tolerated by patients, and led to improvements in mobility and disease severity while reducing spasticity scores in a small open-label clinical trial. “These early results from this ALS-study are exciting as ILB provided beneficial…

B12 Slows Functional Decline in Early-stage ALS, Data Show

Treatment with ultrahigh-dose methylcobalamin — the physiologically active form of vitamin B12 — effectively slowed functional decline in people with early-stage amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and moderate progression, data from a small Phase 3 trial in Japan show. The findings confirm previous results from a Phase 2/3 trial and…

Reflecting on 12 Years Since the ALS Diagnosis

“Kristin, if you can’t choose joy for yourself, then do it so Todd’s remaining days and years won’t be miserable,” I wrote in my journal a month after my husband, Todd, was diagnosed with ALS. “Do it so your kids can see how to live well, so they…