‘Silence ALS’ Aiming for Personalized Therapy for Rare-mutation Patients

‘Silence ALS’ Aiming for Personalized Therapy for Rare-mutation Patients

Silence ALS, a new initiative supported by Target ALS, set as its goals discovering and developing personalized antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) treatments for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients with rare disease-causing mutations, while advancing understanding of the disease’s overall biology. The initiative, a collaboration between the n-Lorem Foundation, which…

My ALS Strategy for National Eat What You Want Day

Like many ALS patients who have swallowing issues, a condition known as dysphagia, I follow a regimen of what I can and cannot eat. I’ve accepted this as my new normal for a number of years now, so my emotional reaction to a friend’s recent social media post caught…

Lead Antibody Targeting Toxic TDP-43 Protein to Advance, ProMIS Says

ProMIS Neurosciences announced plans to advance a monoclonal antibody against toxic TDP-43 protein clumps as a potential treatment for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The candidate antibody therapy, called PMN267, has shown promise in preclinical experiments conducted at independent institutions, the company also reported in a press release. Nearly all cases…

AMX0035 Extended Patients’ Survival By More Than 10 Months

Treatment with AMX0035 significantly extended the median survival of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients by more than 10 months compared with a placebo, a new analysis of the Phase 2/3 CENTAUR clinical trial indicates. That survival difference was even greater in patients who continued to receive AMX0035 in the open-label…

The Straw That Breaks the Camel’s Back

A couple weeks ago, one of our toilet tanks developed a crack and started leaking. I turned off the water, and while we waited for a new tank to arrive, we filled a bucket with water from the tub to flush the toilet or used the other bathroom. On Saturday,…

Wave Life’s WVE-004 Shows Proof of Concept in Cell, Mouse Models

WVE-004, Wave Life Sciences‘ experimental therapy for people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) associated with mutations in the C9ORF72 gene, has demonstrated proof-of-concept efficacy in cell and animal models, a new study shows. The nucleic acid-based therapy was able to “potently” reduce the toxic RNA molecules and small proteins…

Why We Still Need More ALS Awareness

Did you know that May has been ALS Awareness Month for the past 30 years? Yes, that’s right, 30 years. Some probably think ALS awareness activities began in 2014 with the ice bucket challenge. At least that’s when many first pronounced the letters A-L-S before dumping a bucket of water…