Unexpected Outcomes From Sharing Our Story

Unexpected Outcomes From Sharing Our Story

“Your YouTube channel must be taking off,” my 15-year-old daughter said. “Your edema video was recommended to me again. I was just scrolling through YouTube, and then I see it, and I’m like, ‘What’s this?’” Sara continued with increasing volume: “Oh, that’s my father’s foot! My father’s foot has…

A Sign of the Times — Could They Be a-Changin’?

“All the Bush League batters Are left to die on the diamond In the stands the home crowd scatters For the turnstiles.” Twice in my post-ALS life, Neil Young’s song “For the Turnstiles” has struck me smack dab in the center of my forehead. As the dust finally settled…

Dosing Begins in Phase 3 PHOENIX Trial of AMX0035

Amylyx Pharmaceuticals‘ global Phase 3 clinical trial investigating AMX0035 as an oral treatment for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) has begun dosing participants. The PHOENIX trial (NCT05021536) is expected to include 600 participants whose symptoms began in the past two years, which is a less-stringent criteria than was required for…

Study of Perampanel for ALS Stopped Due to Adverse Events

A small open-label study evaluating the epilepsy medication perampanel in adults with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) was halted due to adverse events that affected behavior. Despite the findings, larger clinical trials investigating perampanel in ALS patients are ongoing, which might determine if the medication contributed to behavioral side effects. The…

When Fear Gives Way

“How are things going?” a friend asked. I explained that I have been concerned about my husband Todd’s breathing. He’s been waking up with headaches, which could be a sign that his breathing strength has declined due to ALS. He might benefit from noninvasive ventilation, but doesn’t want…

United to End MND ‘Disappointed’ by No UK Government Funding

The United to End MND campaign in the United Kingdom is “disappointed” the nation’s government did not accept its plea to invest £50 million (about $68 million) in targeted motor neuron disease (MND) research. MNDs are a group of progressive neurological disorders that includes amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, commonly…