Finding Sweetness in the Eye of the Storm

Finding Sweetness in the Eye of the Storm

Just like Lionel Barrymore as James Temple in “Key Largo“ and Gary Sinise as Lt. Dan Taylor in “Forrest Gump,” I survived a hurricane wheelchair-bound. Unlike the original works that those two movies are derived from, my hurricane…

Getting Back to the Basics of Mindfulness

Recently, I noticed I was having problems keeping track of time. Not clock time, as in being a little early or showing up too late. But calendar time — the past weeks and months of living in lockdown have caused my days to morph together. I knew I was doing…

UK Program Aims to Help Children of Families Touched by ALS

Two U.K. organizations, the Motor Neurone Disease (MND) Association and Nick Smith Foundation, are partnering on a pilot project to help youngsters affected by motor neurone disease (MND) create memories of their family member or friend. The initiative is being tested in four cities in England: Milton Keynes, Manchester,…

NurOwn Promotes Immunoregulation, Lessens Inflammation, Preclinical Study Shows

BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics’ cell-based therapy NurOwn increases the number of immunosuppressive cells and lessens inflammation, according to a small preclinical study. These immunoregulatory effects, along with NurOwn’s neuroprotective and neuroreparative properties, may be key to halt the progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and other neuroinflammatory diseases, including…

Taking Care of Unfinished Business

“That’s the one project I wish I could have finished,” my husband, Todd, said while looking out a window at Comet’s doghouse. He had expressed similar sentiment on other occasions over the last few years. After Todd was diagnosed with ALS, we sold our house in southeastern Wisconsin and built…

Learning to Cherish a Room With a View

Last week, I ended this column with a tongue-in-cheek inference that in deference to an improbable ALS curse befalling me, I would not share two near-disaster experiences anytime soon. This week, I am reneging on that prediction with the following disclaimer:…