Desperate Places Don’t Always Come with a Choice

Desperate Places Don’t Always Come with a Choice

After we got married, Todd and I bought an adorable, craftsman-style bungalow in a Milwaukee neighborhood. I believed living in the city would give me a better understanding of the issues faced by the families I served at an inner-city ministry, where I coordinated a tutoring program. Our next-door…

Want to Slow Down Your ALS? Try Smiling!

What does smiling have to do with ALS? Or happiness, contentment, or feeling positive? These expressions of our sense of well-being are important to those of us living with ALS. According to a study of 224 ALS patients, participants who had good emotional well-being experienced a slower progression…

Suffering Connects Us All

“So tell us your story,” we often ask people who come to help with Todd’s care. Those who show particularly deep compassion tend to have their own story of suffering, or they’ve loved and cared for someone who suffered. A stage IV cancer survivor. A disabled parent. A sibling who…