Rare Disease Day is an opportunity to join forces and raise awareness

Exploratory Phase 2 clinical trial of EPI-589 for ALS is ongoing

A small Phase 2 clinical trial is evaluating the safety and tolerability of investigational treatment candidate EPI-589 in adults with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The EPIC-ALS trial (jRCT2061210031), being conducted in Japan, will also assess exploratory effectiveness outcomes after six months of treatment. Data collection began in September…

Soft wearable robot improves arm function for people with ALS

A wearable robotic device that helps lift the shoulders to support arm movements can make it easier for people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) to do daily tasks, a new study reports. Using the lightweight device — now a fabric-based robot prototype — led to significant improvements in upper…

Sending out an SOS for ALS advocacy and support

When baseball legend Lou Gehrig was diagnosed with ALS in 1939, unfortunately, not much about the disease was being discussed at the time. Instead, Gehrig’s career and baseball prowess dominated the news and public discourse. His larger-than-life persona was well deserved, but his illness was also larger than…

A new perspective and strategy to help my ALS speech

Even though I continue to practice daily voice skills to help me prepare for in-person conversations, I’m still challenged by the pronunciation of certain words. Often, I avoid the word altogether and use a simpler version. Or I simply plow ahead, slurring and bumbling my way and relying on lots…