ALS News Today Forums Forums COVID-19 and ALS Advocating all the Way

  • Advocating all the Way

    Posted by Amanda on April 12, 2021 at 8:15 am

    My cousin, Jessica Gump, was an inspiration to me most of her life. She was diagnosed with ALS right after her youngest child was born.  She was dedicated to her family, and to helping all pALS have better medical care and access to treatment.  She gave this interview a year after my father passed from ALS.  We lost Jessica a little over a year ago, but she is not forgotten, nor are her efforts!! She is the one who inspired me to volunteer for as much ALS research as possible, regardless of the pain, inconvenience or time it cost. It is worth it to help find a cure and treatment.

    Amanda replied 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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