ALS News Today Forums Forums ALS Progress Research Topics To Enroll, or Not to Enroll

  • Kathleen B (Katie)

    October 26, 2022 at 7:50 am

    Yea—I read the article—sounded very interesting!  Then I got to the part about ‘qualifying’…and, I have had no ability to climb stairs since June 2021…and my official diagnosis was May 2021 (after a full year of diagnostic work that started June 2020 as ‘left foot drop’).
    so, No… not enrolling—just want to encourage others to do so —every little bit helps more than we might know actually.   I DID learn from the article why my ALSFRS-R score decreased since diagnosis day—my ability to walk keeps decreasing …which leads to other skills difficulty too ( such as dressing & showering & turning over in bed).  So, while I could pass on speaking and eating, & hand/arm use, I’m losing in other areas.  Good luck all!  I’ll be reading for results!

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