ALS News Today Forums Forums Living With ALS How do you fill your cup on difficult days?

  • Dagmar

    November 12, 2024 at 11:07 am

    As a pALS, I’ve learned that creating “quiet time” into or at the end of my busy/stressful days helps calm my body and mind. Sure, it would be easy to zone out scrolling through social media or watching a movie – – but quiet time – – noticing my surroundings, the colors, sounds… being present, is what helps me prepare for another day of “living with ALS.”

    I look forward to reading what our forum members do. Please tell us 🙂

    • Dagmar

      November 19, 2024 at 11:15 am

      I agree!

  • mahone

    November 15, 2024 at 2:27 pm

    Living with my diagnosis since March. Bulbar onset. Taking one day at a time and enjoying every minute with friends and family. I sometimes eat a cannibis gummy to help take the edge off and help to sleep.

    The best medicine is stay active as much as possible and smell the coffee and take in all your thankful for.

    Life is so prescious…..

  • Ginny

    November 29, 2024 at 10:31 am

    I was also diagnosed with Bulbar- onset in March. I can no longer speak or eat. I’m living on boost.

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