About 4-5 years ago I began to notice my tongue felt thick, it was moving slow when I spoke and I was slurring words. My upper palate (back roof of mouth) seemed to be dropping, which gave me a nasal sound.
Initially I thought that tongue exercises, speaking more, then changed to speaking less – – would all help. They didn’t. At the doctor’s I was sent to a speech-language department where they educated me on all the tech items (eye-gaze, phone apps, scribble board) that I could use instead of talking. But…I didn’t want to give up speaking – – no matter what I sounded like.
Two things helped me: 1) Learning to speak with a lower pitch, move consonants “g, k” forward in my mouth and speaking slower but carefully, 2) use my diaphragm (like an opera singer) to produce sound.
I am still speaking! Yes, slowly…and with a lower pitch and a nasal twang. But who cares? I am speaking. I take my time, breathe and avoid feeling rushed by others around me. That involves body awareness.
So, here is how I learned better speech: https://alsandwellness.blogspot.com/2018/03/als-dysarthria-use-these-innovative.html
and how to support it all through better breathing: https://alsnewstoday.com/2018/05/29/als-breathe-well-balloons-bubbles/
Please feel free to ask me questions if you need more information in this area. 🙂