ALS News Today Forums Forums Navigating ALS Challenges Does using a rollator hinder you from visiting other people’s homes?

  • Dagmar

    September 24, 2024 at 1:13 pm

    I found that when I began using a rollator I had to be more selective about visits with friends in their homes or social gatherings. Even though I was assured their home was rollator-friendly, I had to navigate a step-up to their front door, a bumpy doorway, throw rugs, and side tables too close to a chair. I could go on… but I found it was best to make do with the circumstances and then, when the offer was to meet again I’d suggest a coffee shop, library room, cafe, etc., that I knew was ADA-compatible.

    It’s important to keep friendships intact, just be more firm about the “where.” It can be a valuable learning moment for them as well.

  • aab

    September 24, 2024 at 3:03 pm

    I am afraid of mine. It goes to fast for me and I feel like I have to run to keep up. My son says it isn’t tall enough for me but it doesn’t have adjustments for height. So I have it parked by my desk😁

  • Mort

    September 25, 2024 at 7:06 am

    I purchased a Sprint Drive Collapsible Rollator. You pull up the handle to get into tight spaces. It is also much easier to store by collapsing and lowering the handles. It has 7 height adjustments. The downside is it is not built well. The screws have come loose and need replacement. Houston Methodist recommended a Drive European model.

    • Dagmar

      September 30, 2024 at 12:19 pm

      I have a Drive “Nitro” – – it’s sturdy, adjustable, and never given me any problems. ……I’ve had it for 10 yrs, and last year I finally wore out the rubber handles. Easily replaced from the company website.

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