ALS News Today Forums Forums COVID-19 and ALS Searching for the ‘silver lining’

  • Searching for the ‘silver lining’

    Posted by Dagmar on March 25, 2020 at 1:00 am

    Amid all the news alerts, self-isolation, shut-downs and shortages at the grocery stores; we can keep a positive mindset by self-reflection and looking for the positive. Here are a few good questions to help get you started:

    1. What kinds of changes do you anticipate making when we come out of this crisis?
    2. What have you realized you take for granted?
    3. What’s something you’ve been putting off that you can do during this time?
    4. What types of information are you consuming other than the news that gives you hope?

    Share your thoughts and comments with us below.

    Dagmar replied 4 years, 10 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Amanda

    April 2, 2020 at 7:39 am

    I love this question!

    1. What kinds of changes do you anticipate making when we come out of this crisis?  I will spend more time with friends and I will travel as much as possible with my sister. She lives in another state and we spend 2-4 weeks together every summer as soon as we are out for summer break. This year those plans have been put on hold.
    2. What have you realized you take for granted? Being able to socialize with neighbors. Even a few minutes of socialization when you live alone goes a long way.
    3. What’s something you’ve been putting off that you can do during this time? I’ve been learning to quilt so I am working on an unfinished project.
    4. What types of information are you consuming other than the news that gives you hope? We get daily updates from the school district I work for and they are fabulous about recognizing how the entire community is pitching in to make sure our students and families that can’t afford food or other necessities are being taken care of . They also point out how much all of the staff members are doing to provide services to our students, parents and one another.


  • Molly Ann Mahoney

    April 3, 2020 at 12:00 am
    1. Changes when we come out of the crisis?  Travel.  I booked a lot of trips in 2020, thinking that at some point I would be less likely to travel. Due to the crisis, I had to cancel three of the four trips this year.  My adult children live in NY and TX. As soon as possible I will visit them and welcome their hugs.  Second thing is to figure out where to live next.  I live in a 3 story town home (no elevator) and know I must find more a more suitable living arrangement.
    2. Taken for granted?  Our health care system and health care professionals.  Even before the crisis I was (and still am) fighting with social security to help me qualify for medicare (almost, but not 65 yet). Appealing with my insurance provider to approve the only local ALS clinic.  My doctors are trying to help me, yet now the health care systems are overwhelmed with the crisis.  I am grateful for all the health care personnel who are in danger while trying to protect and treat the very critical.  I understand the pressures they are facing, balancing / prioritizing their patients.  I have taken them for granted as well as the sacrifices they are making now.
    3. Something I can do now that I’ve put off?  Purge to prepare for my eventual move and give away to others. Reestablish friendships through connection. Meditate more.
    4. Information I’m consuming that gives me hope?  I limit my news intake to one hour per day (PBS news hour).  Other than that, I read.  Listen to music.  Reach out to former students, family and neighbors and ask how they are.  Listen to inspirational podcasts.  Finally, through meditation, I ask for peace and hope for our world.


  • Dagmar

    April 3, 2020 at 12:08 pm

    Molly Ann, thank you for sharing your inspiring list!

    I love that you are focusing on the future 🙂 and, your #4 is excellent advice for everyone to embrace.

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